Saturday 6 July 2013

The Splendour of Kenya

Kenya remains in the lips of many people around the world, both for the good and bad reasons. One thing that has kept many yearning to visit Kenya is her wild animals, the culture of her people, the beaches and beautiful scenery. Yet still some love Kenya for her top of the range tea and coffee, as well as for her high-speed athletes.
What has surprised many is the fact that Kenya managed to pick herself from the 2007 post election violence that claimed about a thousand lives, and had hundreds of thousand displaced; through the grand coalition government negotiated by Africa eminent persons and five years later managed to have a peaceful, free and fair election in 2013. Isn’t it amazing that this happened when the world thought Kenya and Kenyans would drown forever in bloody ethnic violence, never to be saved!

It’s difficult for the world to understand how these people with diverse culture have managed to coexist harmoniously, among themselves as well as with their wildlife, but as they put it; Kenyans have their way, the chemistry that glues them together even after adversity such as the post election violence! That’s why perhaps one needs to visit Kenya to enjoy everything that she has to offer and probably get a feel of the Kenyan communities, from the Maasai to the Abagusii, to the Samburu and the Turkana people and even the el moro, the smallest tribal grouping in Kenya.

Why do you really need to visit Kenya? What would you enjoy most? Kenya’s beautiful sceneries include: the superb beaches along the Kenyan coast, the Great Rift Valley, Mt. Kenya (Gods territory) as referred to by the local Agikuyu community; with its craggy peaks covered in snow, with worlds of forest, wildlife and unique vegetation; Mt Kilimanjaro that borders Uganda, offering interesting peaks for climbing with plenty of wildlife to discover and caves to explore; and Mt. Longonot Imposing over the shores of Lake Naivasha are just but a few of the compelling features and stunning scenery.

Being one of the most famous tourist destinations, Kenya boasts of her over forty parks and game reserves where you can view wildlife and have a feel of the country. You will take pleasure in watching; elephants, black and white rhinos, the flamingos, endangered bird species, butterflies, buffalos, the puff adder, the black mamba, bush buck, the leopard, dung beetles, rock python, reedbuck ; giraffe, zebras and a variety of other big game, de brazza monkey,  dik dik ,the lion, the hyena, the cheetah, black and white colobus monkey; vervet monkeys, and the impala among others all in their natural habitat, and not in adopted home; the zoos! at the malindi marine park you will enjoy the dolphins, turtles including the loggerhead, green, hawksbill and the olive ridley, over 300 species of fish including the barracuda, sharks, angel fish, and surgeon fish, lobsters, crabs, clams, octopus, star fish and a variety of other invertebrates as well as various species of algae including coralline algae, fleshy algae and algal turf.
While in Kenya, you will have an opportunity to have a glimpse of one of the Seven Wonders of the World: the annual wilder beast migration at the Maasai Mara. Watching this breathtaking experience will indeed impress upon you lasting memories of Kenya.

One last thing; when you Visit Kenya, remember to savour some of the most popular traditional foods including; Ugali, a semi-hard cake made of maize meal that is a favourite meal for all Kenyans and is consumed with fish, nyama choma (roast beef or goat meat),  meat stews, sukuma wiki(kales) or other greens. Kachumabri is a must taste and is a micture of chopped onions, tomatoes, some pepper and lemon juice. Other great meals include chapati, githeri, Mursik (fermented milk with traditional herbs) and kienyenji.

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