Thursday 4 July 2013

Save Mother Nature

I wish to cry and wail
And yet I sob silently,
 As no one would listen,
None cares what becomes of her.
Busy they all are
Dispossessing her
Of her colossal wealth
Oh poor Mother Nature.

Hacking trees, planting none
They’ve stripped her nude.
Plastics, oils and greases,
The non ecological substances,
Heaped on her face
And released to the universe,
Noxious gases that rip the ozone
Subjecting her to further destruction

The rains are gone,
The ice tip vanished
The beautiful beaches are no more,
Weather patterns b’n altered for ever
And our people now go hungry
Alas! Global warming is real,
Oh poor Mother Nature,
Can we save you?

Sh-h- h, who’s are you?
Why do you sneak behind me?
Don’t play to care, aren’t you one of them?
Clear up the mess!
Isolate and dispose of waste sensibly
Reduce, Re-use Recycle
Save Water and Energy
Save Mother Nature.

Benard Maonga Otundo

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