Thursday 4 July 2013


What a gorgeous sight,
Magnificence, beauty and colour
Roses, lilies and carnations,
Those amazing plants
Blossoming every morning
 Radiating Fine fragrances
That Calm and give inner peace

Down the valley,
Beautiful terrains and land forms
Lead to the Meandering River
With it’s awesome waterfalls
Resounding from the woods across
And the rays of the rising sun
Dazzlingly lick the water plane.

Butterflies hover over the petals
Kissing them intermittently
As birds fly by
Suckling the thirst quenching nectar
And their males assemble
Grass and twigs to erect their habitat
Singing their finest melodies.

The gentle wind blows over the stream
Unto the giant trees
Causing them move back and forth
And boogie to the birds’ production
Beneath the vegetation’s envelop
A lion and baby Oryx lye together in quiet,
And a giant dog rescues a dumped baby!

I am in admiration, wishing never to walk off
But sadly its morning n I got to wake up
Lest I be late for work!
Dear God, why can’t such harmony exist among humans?
Have mercy Oh Lord;
And grant us tranquility.
© Benard Maonga Otundo
 5th September 2012

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