Friday 5 July 2013

Peace In Kenya

I am tired
Of these politicians
Than propagate hatred
Turning Kenyans against Kenyans
Making them kill one another
In the name of their tribes
Its’ our turn to eat, they say
We must have one of our own
So we form the kitchen cabinet
Charged with baking the national cake
Which we shall serve, first to our people
And the remainder if any, to our allies.
Alliances are formed and broken
Tribal and regional realignments now and then
Seeking winning combinations
To satisfy selfish interest
To protect their enormous wealth
And control the Kenyan economy
I the citizen have got it clear
Brighter now, than ever before
Tired being used by politicians,
Have made a resolve, to live in harmony with all
Carry out elections diligently,
and there shall be, Peace in Kenya.

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