Friday 5 July 2013

It's a Shame!

What a shame!
When grown men and women
Cut down trees indiscriminately,
Destroying forests for greed and selfish interest.
Tearing down the wild habitat,
Wiping out the water towers
It’s a shame!
What a shame,
When learned men and women,
Refuse to control; impacts of their aspects
Polluting the land air and water.
Destroying the ozone layer
And bring about Global warming
It’s a shame!
What a shame,
When the intelligent you and I,
Dump waste without segregation,
When we don’t reduce, re-use or recycle
Thinking; it’s none of my business
To conserve our planet
It’s a shame!
What a shame,
Fail to consider better utilization of water and energy
Depleting our natural resources
Depriving the future generations
Their rightful inheritance
From Mother Nature
It’s a Shame!

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